Learn more about our unique set of rotating beers


Wee Bit Export, Scottish Ale – 5.8% ABV

A malt focused beer with a breadiness character to it. A caramel sweetness adds depth to the low hop bitterness to round off the flavor. The mouthfeel is medium-low and finishes with a smooth creaminess to it. You wonder what a little wee bit can do to your senses.

“Scotch ale” was first used as a designation for strong ales exported from Edinburgh in the 18th century. The term has become popular in the US, where strong ales with low hop levels and a malty sweetness which may be available in Scotland under a different name are sold in America as “Scotch ales” and “Scottish ales”. Another geographical consideration is hops refused to flourish in Scotland. As such Scottish Ales were more malt focused. 

Gutsy Stout, American Stout – 6.1% ABV

A moderately high aroma of roasted malt with a medium low hop aroma. The mouth feel is medium bodied with a little creaminess to balance the palate closely coupled with hints of roasted coffee and bittersweet chocolate. You’ll dream of replacing your cup of coffee the next morning with this Gutsy!

We did the tour of the Guiness brewery at St. James and the Gutsy stout pays tribute to Guiness. The Gutsy stout is a straight up no nonsense stout staying true to style. It’s got all the elements of a stout however the abv sits at 6.1%.

Haz Trick, Hazy IPA – 5.8% ABV

A moderately hopped beer with hints of orange blossom, tropical notes and an earthy aroma. The infusion of hops provides a balance of citrus notes with delicate dry hopping. The mouthfeel is soft with a dance of citrusy and tropical effervescence with a light crisp finish on the palate. This is an all-day IPA.

This is our take on a Hazy IPA that does not taste like orange juice. It’s a true to style Hazy with suspended protein that is a favorite of the Run Club. Also, given the middle of the road Alcohol By Volume percentage at 5.8% it’s smooth and balanced for a refreshing IPA.

GibEmHelles – Helles Beer – 5% ABV

A moderate sweet malt aroma, with hints of orange. A moderate malty finish, low hop bitterness with hints of citrus and floral notes. A very soft on the palette refreshing beer. We’ll give that Pilsner some Helles.

The Munich Helles beer was designed as a competitor to the Pilsner type beers. It is currently the most popular style in Southern Germany. The Helles is very delicate and a lightly hopped beer. It is ideal for one looking to enjoy a light refreshing beer. Given the history of being a competitor for the Pilsner, the name “GibEmHelles” is a play on words for “Give them hell” where Gib stands for Gibsonville, Em stands for Them but translates to “Give them Helles”

Tropical HazMatix, NEIPA – 5.5% ABV

The aroma has a burst of citrus, orange and tropical notes which is refreshing and soft. The mouth feel has a creamy texture with complex tropical fruit notes of pineapple, mango with a smooth medium high hoppy malt finish from the collective dry hop additions. You’ll be imagining ways of crushing this beer at the beach or in the yard thinking of the beach!

The NEIPA trend started in the early 90’s on the east coast while the west coast was perfecting their style of IPA. Haze, suspended protein, late addition of hops, dry hopping etc. leads to complex chemical reactions leading to this style of beer. We here at Toasty Kettlyst wanted to make our own version staying true to style with a tight balance on the hop schedule. This is one of our beers that is quadruple dry hopped! It’s like a magic potion that Asterix and Obelix would relish. Even little DogMatix would go Woof!!! this is amazing. Hence the name is a play on words for the tropical notes & haze leading to Tropical HazMatix.

Calibrator - Brown Ale – 5.8% ABV

A moderate malty sweet aroma with hints of caramel, nutty malt complexities. The medium finish provides an aftertaste of both malt and hops. This beer is perfect to unwind with citrusy and tropical hop notes.

Brown ales were very popular in the 1920’s. They were made popular by Manns Brown Ale. After WWII, most breweries started making lighter ABV versions of the brown ale. However today’s North American brews trace their heritage to American home brewing adaptations.


A few years ago when Prav started home brewing and built his own home brew system, the brown ale was his test recipe to calibrate the system that it was brewed on. It is now the calibration recipe for any time we need to calibrate a new process at Toasty Kettlyst. Hence the name “Calibrator”.

Airship Dunkel – Dunkles Weissbier – 4.7% ABV

A moderate wheat malt aroma, accompanied by a rich caramel malt. A medium full body texture with a bready rich caramel toasty flavor. Low hop bitterness with a relatively dry finish. This will take you to the land of the Airship!

Dunkelweizen originated in Bavaria in the south of Germany. All wheat beers can trace their traditions thousands of years ago when wheat was first used as a fermenting agent. Weizen beer was considered the drink of nobility in Bavaria way back in the 1500’s as wheat was a privilege of German royalty.


In the 1900’s the first Airship made it’s debut flight in Bavaria around the same area where the Dunkelweizen was popular. Hence a play on words to “Airship Dunkel”.

Gear Crusher, Dark Mild – 6.1% ABV

A modern take on moderate malt aroma with a nutty, chocolate & coffee aromas. The hop aroma is low with roast, chocolate, coffee & raisin flavors. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with a medium carbonation for a smooth creamy finish. This is our take on a British Dark Mild but with a twist of high strength.

Mild was original used for a beer that was young, fresh or unaged and did not refer to a specific style of beer. There was a mild porter and a mild bitter beer. In the 19th century, typical breweries brewed three or four types of mild ale, usually denoted by a number of “X” marks for strength, with “X” being the weakest and “XXXX”s being the strongest. Until the 1960’s, mild was a popular style of beer in England. Outside of the United Kingdom, mild is virtually unknown with the exception of some breweries in North America and Scandinavia. Here at Toasty Kettlyst, we crushed gears to come up with this style, o do a throwback to the Dark Mild with a twist, hence “Gear Crusher”.

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Valentine’s Day Dining – Couple
Valentine’s Day Dining – Single