Doppnator Limited Edition, Doppelbock – 10.0% ABV

A very strong maltiness, with dark fruit character and chocolate aromas. The mouthfeel is full bodied with a smooth alcohol warmth. The hop bitterness is low with a malty sweet finish. The beer is a tribute to the Munich monks who first brewed this beer.

Doppelbock has unique origins in monastic brewing, and it was only after this saintly beer was secularized that the term doppelbock evolved. Monks from the order of St. Francis founded a community in Munich in 1634. These monks were known as Paulaners because they came from the city of Paula, Italy. Today, the brewery that bears their name — now secularized — still produces the special beer they created. The beer, dubbed Salvator, or “the Savior,” by the monks was an extra strong brew intended to sustain them during the fasts of Advent and Lent. During these periods the monks were forbidden solid food, and so the beer was literally their “liquid bread.” Most brewers still name their doppelbocks with words that end in -ator. At Toasty Kettlyst, we used a play on words of Terminator + Dopple Bock to get to Doppnator


A moderate intense aroma of malt, breadiness and light biscuit crustiness. The malt flavor is balanced with very light hopping. The mouth feel is medium bodied with smooth caramel creaminess. You may want to wear your lederhosen and dirndl while drinking this beer

Oktoberfest dates back to the 18th century in Munich. The festival is held over a 2 week period . The beer served at this event comes from the original 6 breweries in Munich with the Mayor tapping the keg, kicking off the celebration. The Marzen was the official beer for Oktoberfest for a 100 years. We at Toasty Kettlyst pay tribute to this celebration of a Marzen that stays true to style lagering for a few months before we release it.

Nautical Star, Baltic Porter – 7.8% ABV

The aroma has a rich malty sweetness of caramel, toffee and dried fruit. The ester profile is very perceivable in the aroma. The mouth feel has a creamy texture with complex malt profile with chocolate, toffee, caramel, hints of coffee and dried fruit notes. There is a residual warmth that reminds one of a vinous port like quality. You’ll be imagining sitting by the fire pit and talking about your various adventures guided by the Nautical Star!

The Baltic Porter originated in Britain which was a strong porter. This porter made its way to the Baltic Ports which was well lagered by the time it arrived. This was our first collaboration beer with Beer Republic Elon. We decided to brew a true to style Baltic Porter that took almost 8 weeks to larger. But the final outcome was worth the wait.

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